by BOUNDLESS | Jul 18, 2019 | Treatments, Uncategorized
My patients are always asking me, “Why isn’t PRP covered by insurance? It works so well and costs so much less than surgery!” Part of the reason is that the thousands of peer-reviewed scientific articles showing the effectiveness of PRP don’t agree on the best... by BOUNDLESS | May 10, 2018 | Arthritis, Sports Medicine, Treatments
We’ve updated our website research page and will be adding new analysis by Dr. Bunyak regularly. For all of you interested in the science of regenerative healing, visit the BOUNDLESS Research page here. Dr. Bunyak notes especially these four recent studies:... by BOUNDLESS | May 10, 2018 | Arthritis, Sports Medicine, Treatments
120-Second Quick Summary of Recent Knee Research Recent research busts knee treatment myths, strongly recommending that patients: Avoid arthroscopic knee surgery: unless you’ve had significant trauma or a locked knee, it has not been shown to be effective for meniscal... by BOUNDLESS | Feb 15, 2018 | Best Of, Cellular Therapy, Treatments
Aesthetic news: For hair loss, acne scarring, and age- and sun-related skin changes, new research has been emerging in support of PRP, stem cell therapies, and combination treatments for regenerating tissues, inside and out. Multiple studies show that PRP can... by BOUNDLESS | Feb 15, 2018 | Best Of, Cellular Therapy, Treatments
New offering: Female athlete initiative coming this year. Men and women are not the same; the nature of their injuries and patterns of healing have been shown to differ by gender: Differences in biomechanical balance and osteoporosis prevalence influence injury risk.... by BOUNDLESS | Feb 9, 2018 | Arthritis, Treatments
Advanced ultrasound diagnostics–a cost-effective, convenient option for subtle soft tissue pathology. Did you know that Dr. Bunyak is one of a select few local physicians to hold the registered musculoskeletal ultrasonographer designation (RMSK/ARDMS)? As a...